Check out how to build a hand operated water pump for under 50 dollars. Having a way to draw water from a well without electricity may not seem like a necessity in this day and age, however, not everyone has access to this convenience or in the case of a power outage having a way to draw water from a well could be a matter of life and death. This article and video was designed to introduce the visitor to the site to way to build a hand crank water pump.

This very informational video is from Off Grid Quest. In the video the narrator explains how they were able to make a working pump that pulled the water out of a well without having to use any form of electricity. All of the stuff they used was able to be gathers from around area of the well. The video presents all the information in way that is easy to follow and understand.
Benefits of watching the How to Build a Homemade Hand Operated Well Water Pump
Learn how easy it really is to build your own hand crank water pump for drawing water from a well.
It describes all of the materials, supplies and tools necessary to get started.
The included video visually describes each and every step that it takes to make it.