How to Build Homemade Cheese Making Press DIY Project should be on your list o homesteading skills to invest in yourself by learning. Homemade cheese is super easy to make with a cheese press and beyond heavenly delicious.

Many people who like to make their versions of popular foods in their own kitchen they will usually make their favorite versions on their favorite dishes.
This article project was designed to introduce the user to a project for making a homemade cheese press.
This homestead kitchen project was created in hopes to help those people who are looking to make cheese for themselves. The project describes how easy it is to make your own handmade cheese press. The project talks about all of the necessary materials, supplies, and tools that are needed to get started. It also includes a step by step instructional guide that covers everything from start to finish.
The Materials List:
TA flat plastic or wood sheet approx 12” x 12” with holes
TAn 8” round PVC pipe approx 8” tall
T(3) 3/8” all thread rods, 24” tall
T(18) 3/8” fender washers
T(10) 3/8 nuts
T(3) 3/8 wing nuts
T(2) Springs
T(1) piece of wood cut into 7 ¾” circle (sanded)
(2) pieces of wood 1”x2” approx 12” wide.
0.53 Gallon Stainless Steel Cheese Making Press
Cheese making is an activity that has been done all over the world and many different regions around the globe are frequently recognized by the variety of cheese that it made there.
Click here to read about how to Build Homemade Cheese Making Press DIY Project:
As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Homemade Frugal Farmer Cheese Recipe”: