ChickensBuild Homesteading Chicken Coop Run DIY Project

Build Homesteading Chicken Coop Run DIY Project

How to Build Homesteading Chicken Coop Run DIY Project is made with a combanation of different ideas and concepts all geared towards chickens safety.

Build Homesteading Chicken Coop Run DIY Project

There coop was roughly 7’ high at the front and 5’ high at the back. In the winter they plan on installing windows in the front and the back of the coop. Only one side has a chicken door fitted.

Inside the coop layed feeders, branches and the floor covered with sawdust with an outside chicken run attached so the chickens can wonder free out of the coop into the chicken run. They soon moved on to constructing coop-2. It was finally finished with an add on chicken run made with mesh wiring. There was 2 hallways leading to the one run. One coming from coop 1 the other from coop 2.

Here are the top 6 reasons the builder likes this coop:

* The ability of the removable roosts, which makes it easier to clean the floors of the coop and put in a replacement if needed.

* The installation of a sweep door to aid easier cleaning.

* Installing electricity for the heaters and feeders in the coop.

* Good air circulation and ventilation from the windows, doors and air vents.

* A webcam for the chicks for easier surveillance.

Click here to read about how to Build Homesteading Chicken Coop Run DIY Project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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