How to Build Homesteading Rabbit Hutch Tractor DIY Project plus a three cage rabbit hutch. This do it yourself project contains information on how to build a cage, hutch and exercise runs for rabbits.
The cost of meat was what pushed the author and her family into raising rabbits. This is quite interesting. She was content with the groceries and eggs she was producing for her family since she has poultry and also has a little farmland. When the price of meat in the market rose higher than her budget she decided that it was time for her family to produce the meat for themselves.
Raising rabbits was one of the ideas that came to her mind. They just have one acre of land and it is not big enough for large livestock so the idea of raising meat rabbits came up. If she has to raise rabbits, she will have to start with getting their hutch. Of course, she could have bought a hutch but since she is a do-it-yourself kind of person, she decided to build one by herself with the help of her family.
She and her husband settled for a three-cage hutch because they decided to start with just three rabbits –two does and one buck. They started by erecting four outer corner posts. They deliberately made the front posts slightly taller than the back posts because they wanted the hutch to be sloped. This will make for easy runoff of rain water.
After the posts, they built the bottom frame. After that, the inside walls were built. Later, the top frame was built. You can take the time to study the steps. You don’t have to take to their own dimensions. The size of your hutch should depend on the number of rabbits you intend to rear and the space you have available to you. Take the time to study it and share it immediately after.
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