SolarBuild Portable Solar Charging Battery Bank DIY Project

Build Portable Solar Charging Battery Bank DIY Project

How to build portable solar charging battery bank diy project is a great way to really understand electronics and how to tap into alternative energy.

Build Portable Solar Charging Battery Bank DIY Project

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Using solar energy as an alternative source of energy with all its advantages can be a bit troublesome. This is so because you cannot control the whims of the weather, even with a weather forecast it can still be unpredictable. You can, however, make good use of the source when it is available by saving it into batteries to create a solar battery bank. This way, you are assured of having good energy stored up when you need it. You will also be able to increase the lifespan of battery cells instead of throwing then away after one or two recharges.


Soldering iron and solder

Wire cutters

Hot-glue gun and hot-glue sticks

Scissors or knife


3-6x Flat Top Li-ion Batteries Bulk 2500mAh (*can be recovered from taking apart a laptop battery)

3x 1.5v Solar Cells (**can be salvaged from solar lawn lights)

1x TP4056 5v charging circuit ($0.27)

1x DC Boost Module step up Converter 3V 3.7V to 5V circuit ($0.80)

Some wire

Heat-shrink insulation

A project box or other case


A battery bank is made up of rows of batteries connected in such a way that batteries in a row form a series, while the rows are connected to form a parallel. Putting this together, however, will require some careful calculation to avoid having a short circuit. You should ensure that the batteries are all loaded to the same voltage if not, the whole battery could light up in flames. You can measure the voltage of each battery using a solar battery bank monitor.

Build Portable Solar Charging Battery Bank DIY Project
Portable Solar Battery Pack Charger Power Bank with Dual Input Port – (BUY HERE on Amazon)


This project demonstrates how to use individual components including some wires, old recycled batteries, electrical tape, a case to hold the components and a couple of chips; to build a solar battery power bank which can be used to power up USB devices. The project is inexpensive, helps put good use to things you would otherwise throw away and saves you the pain of not having the energy to power your phone or another device when they are needed. Keep reading to find out how to create a battery power bank.

Click here to read about how to build portable solar charging battery bank diy project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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