Here is a neat way to add storage space to existing cabinets. You can build storage bins or cubbies on the inside of a cabinet door and add some storage space for loads of things. Depending which cabinet you add it too, in the kitchen they could hold spices or boxes of teas or any number of smallish items. In the bathroom they could be used for extra toilet paper rolls or deodorant, make up, add small containers and you could but barrettes, razors, brushes and other items in them. Remodelaholic shares free plans so you can build your own. I would like to add one to my linen closet to hold extra bars of soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and things that I like to keep a couple extras of on hand so we don’t run out.

Do you unwrap your bars of soap and let them air for a while before using? I do. Sometimes I will have bars of soap for a year or more, unwrapped in the linen closet or sock drawers. It scents where ever you have them and if soap has a chance to dry out a bit it lasts a lot longer when we start to use a bar of it. About three times longer than if I open and use them right away. I don’t know the science of why this works but it does and they still have plenty of scent all the way through. It’s a great way to save a little money on soap. Now you see why I would like these on my linen closet. My soap could dry and every time I opened the closet I would be smelling those clean fresh scents. Even the sheets will smell good just from being in there with the soap aroma.