DIY ProjectsBuild Window Shutters From Wood Door DIY Project

Build Window Shutters From Wood Door DIY Project

How to build window shutters from wood door diy project is detailed in this simple tutorial.

Build Window Shutters From Wood Door DIY Project

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There’s something about DIY and re purposing furniture that really get the creative juices flowing. Vintage style is one of the best looks to aim for when creating something new from something old.

The worn wood and gently used material give an immediate idea of long term use, making the style ideal for many projects.

Distressed wood tables, chairs and shelves probably come to mind when planning to create something with used wood. Window shutters are an often overlooked idea that can be made from re-used furniture, too, and give a surprisingly finished look to a house.

You don’t need something old to create a new project, either. Re purposing unused items is a great way to save money. No one likes waste and here’s an idea to use a leftover door to make shutters for your windows.

A paneled door works well here but even smooth surfaces can be made to look distressed. Cutting it is going to be the part that needs the most care since it will need a saw and workbench. You’ll need to measure carefully since the shutters will be in full view and seen at eye level.

After cutting and sanding, use paint to varnish and distress the wood. Add hardware that is appropriate for the time period you are looking for. Mid-century antiques are not that difficult to find and the hardware is often available.

Once you hang shutters, you’ll be surprised at the finished look it gives windows. Read on to see how to take a paneled door and give a new look to your home.

Click here to read about how to build window shutters from wood door diy project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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