Lots of folks buy a pre-fabricated play area for their children that has swings, slide and maybe a small canopied area that is advertised as safe. While maybe it is safe most of them even to me an adult look pretty boring. When I was a girl I was probably considered a tom boy because I could climb trees and put things together better than most boys. I was also fortunate in a mom that let me go and do those things.I spent a lot of time up in trees, either picking apples that were warm and ripe from the sun or just viewing the world from on high. It seems that now days we keep our kids glued to the ground and we try to make the ground soft so they never get scratched.
While I am not saying kids should be hurt I do believe they should be able to climb and go barefoot and fall down once in a while. It makes them stronger and braver and much more able to problem solve. The way we learn problem solving in life is by solving problems. I think Wellness Mama and her husband think the same way. Check out the tree house with zip line and climbing wall they built for their children. While the kids might get hurt they most likely won’t because they will learn how to do things so they won’t fall and get hurt. It will make them stronger. It will make them into problem solvers. I love this play area and I know just about any kid would love to have this in the back yard.
They offer a supplies list a virtual tour and a video so you can build one for your kids instead of buying a boring/safe pre-fabricated play area. I wish we would have had one like this when my kids were young.
Click here for more>>>> http://wellnessmama.com/19483/treehouse-exercise/