DIY ProjectsBuilding a Chicken Run DIY Project for Beginners

Building a Chicken Run DIY Project for Beginners

This tutorial of the process of the building a chicken run DIY project for beginners really shows homesteaders how it is done in the simplest terms. This chicken run was created in hopes to help other realize that it is really not that difficult to provide a safe place for a small number of chickens to get the exercise they need.

Building a Chicken Run DIY Project for Beginners

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Raising chickens in a backyard setting setting requires a whole lot of planning and dedication to their well being. This means keeping them safe from neighborhood predators like cats and a variety of other animals. While most people think of the importance of an adequate coop, but they often forget that chickens also need to way to get exercise that is equally protected. A chicken run is the perfect compliment to a homemade chicken coop.

For this project, you will need the following materials and tools:


Approximately 22 pressure-treated 2x4s. I primarily used 2x4x8s, but you could get away with mixing a few 2x4x6s in there.

4-6 smaller boards such as 1x2s or similar, or a 8’x6′ wooden lattice, to support the roof

1 wooden screen door


1 box of 2.5″ deck screws

1 box of 2.5″ Kreg pocket hole screws

A few miscellaneous smaller screws and washers (we’ll get to these when we put the roof on)

Hinges and a latch for the door


4 sheets of 8’x26″ corrugated vinyl roofing sheets

A couple packages of corrugated roofing closure strips


Welded wire, chicken wire, or hardware cloth of your choice

1 box of Fencing staples


Kreg pocket hole jig kit

Drill and set of bits (cordless is fine, but mine ran out of juice after about 4 hours of each day of work, so bear that in mind when managing your time)

Chop saw, circular saw or miter saw

Bar clamps, especially if you are building this solo

Standard issue household tools such as a hammer, level, ruler, etc…

All of the materials needed can be easily obtained from most any local hardware or supply store. The project does not require a whole of DIY experience to be able to complete the run.

Click here to read about Building a Chicken Run DIY Project for Beginners:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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