If you like being prepared for emergencies but have a gluten intolerance or someone in the family does you could still be building a gluten free 3 day emergency kit. If your power goes out due to storms or other reasons this kit could keep you and you family fed and since it would be gluten free you would not be adding health and stomach problems to whatever the emergency was that you needed the kit for. If there were a tornado, hurricane or for example all the forest fires going on right now where folks have to evacuate.
I can’t even imagine the stress of having to leave your home and not knowing if it may burn or be looted while you are gone and then having to figure out what and how to obtain the foods that you or your children may need much less if a special diet is involved. If you had a kit all prepared at least you would know everyone could eat for a while without the stress of finding suitable foods. If you have a camper and would leave in it then you could have a tote all ready to put it in the camper and go, Or in the truck of your car.
Or even in case of a power outage where you don’t have to leave home but the fridge, freezer, stove or microwave have no electricity to keep or cook foods. There are many ways to build a kit with gluten free food and provide for your self and your family. Field Of Tansy shares a list of items that can be used for building the kit. Some come from Trader Joes, others from Amazon or even Aldi. so these items are available to almost everyone. Dried fruit is one of the items for your kit and you can even dry the fruits so you have a mix of the fruits that your individual family members like to eat.
They also cover nuts, beans, caned meats. Amazon carries Tasty Bites which have lentils and beans and a variety of vegetarian meals in pouches that are gluten free. They are microwavable for one minute so I think adding boiling water and allowing a little more time would make these good to eat. They also carry Eden brand which is all organic and you can buy cases of all sorts of beans. They also have dried fruits and seeds and other items. They go on to cover other items like coffee, tea and even water treatment supplies like the Aquamira brand who has everything from drops to treat water to straws you can carry with you to filter water.
The article has a lot of good info to help gluten free folks build an emergency 3 day or longer kit so that you will have good gluten free foods in case of an emergency even if you have to leave home.
Read more>>>>>>>>>> Building A Gluten Free 3 Day Emergency Kit