Check out this permaculture designed semi underground cabin. This is like a cabin but according to the article.
“it has more light
it doesn’t need heat or A/C
it is three times faster to build
it costs about five times less”
When it comes to building homes there are many different ways that they can be built. If you are looking for one that you can build yourself and that does not require an expensive heating and cooling system to keep it comfortable, then an earthen style home might just be right up your alley. This article was designed to introduce the reader to a unique home design known as permaculture and more specifically to a home design called Wofati.

This Do It Yourself article is from The Tiny Life. The article describes the construction of an unique structure that was created by combining multiple natural building concepts that are designed to lower building cost and energy usage. Due to the complexity of the project, it does require a bit of DIY skills to be able to complete the project.
Reading this article will allow you to Learn how to build your own energy efficient, earthen style home on a budget. The article describes all of the necessary materials, supplies and tools that are needed. It also describes in detail all of the steps that were taken in order to complete the construction of the house. You will also find several full color pictures of some of the stages of the construction.