Yakisugi (焼杉) Yakimatsu (焼松) Burnt Cladding, burned wood siding, whatever you want to call it, whats not to love? Extremely long lasting, maintenance free, beautiful, full of character, UV proof, insect proof, mold proof, fire resistant, this may be the best covering for a wooden house ever devised!
Boards are held with just one nail, easy to pull off.
White pine boards bought green have air dried about 6 months now.
You can also just put newspaper in the bottom and light it if you want rather than the torch.
Little water in the bottom puts it all out fast.
Listen to the little pops and cracks…just one nail for now, later the battens will hold it all down.
Don’t forget to orient the boards correctly! Bark side goes out, tree top goes up!

To get an even char top to bottom is the goal.
For me, I found that counting 50 seconds after fire comes out the top is about right.
Battens are fast done in groups!
I like to do the edges first, then the faces.
Double complete rainbow man!
Nice to have some support on the longer ones!
The longest ones do get a bit heavy.
Doing the wall in two parts would be smart!
The ratchet mechanism can be a savior!