ChickensCandling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens

Candling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens

Candling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens to help determie if the egg has been fertilzed by a rooster therefore a great prospect for the hatching incubator.

Candling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens

The candling of eggs is important for a number of reasons; it has the ability to establish the condition of the, yolk, white and the air cell. The candling of an egg is equivalent to an ultrasound or even an x-ray, where an individual can clearly analyze every internal aspect of the egg.

Eggs Candling is best done in a dark room, where the egg is placed before the single light source in the room. The ideal position for the candle during this experiment is on a box or table; this is recommended so that the light won’t fall directly into the eye of the person carrying out the experiment.

Candling an egg accurately does not require an extensive knowledge of the procedure; if an individual knows what to look for and follow the simple steps it should be quite effortless.

Candling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens

The candling procedure provides the evidence necessary to distinguish between a fresh and a stale egg. A main distinguishing factor between the fresh and the stale egg when candling is that the white in the fresh egg is clearer than that in the stale egg; other more extreme differentiations exist, such as bloody whites, blood, or meat spots which are all indications that the egg is stale.

Click here to read about how Candling Eggs is an Ultrasound for Chickens:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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