By canning beef, chicken, ham, fish and game you can really stock your shelves with meat and take advantage of sales and preserve your meat from hunting.
You will find great sales on different meats at different times of the year. Turkey is always on sale around the holidays and ham is as well. In Feb and March you will find corned beef on sale and Oct. is usually a good month to find pork on sale. Unless you have a chest type freezer you may have to miss out on these great meat bargains, but if you can the meat you can take advantage of the sales and can the meat to add you your pantry shelves. This way when you want to make some chicken soup or beef and noodles you will have the meat that you got at a great price. When you can chicken and turkey you also have the added bonus of all those bone that you can cook for hours and can your own chicken and turkey stock for starting your soups ans stews. That same stock you get for free from the left over bones is pretty pricey when you are buying by the can or those expensive boxes in the store. Â There are directions for each type of meat at their own link.
 Canning beef is easy
canning beef
 How to Can Chicken
Canning Ham With a Pressure Canner