For anyone that has their own lemon trees or can get great prices on lemons you can spend some time canning lemon juice and not have to buy any for months. Since lemons are acidic you only need to water bath can the juice.
It takes a lot of lemons to make a few jars of juice to can but if you have or can get the lemons it would be worth the effort to be able to pull a jar out of the pantry when you need a new one. Strangers And Pilgrims On Earth shares the instructions on canning lemon juice. It seems very simple and to be honest, after seeing the article I was amazed that I had never even thought of canning lemon juice before.
Possibly because I am way up in the mid west and lemons are never very cheap here. If you have other citrus fruit and wish to can it you can find instructions for that here. How To Can Citrus Juice. I do see oranges and grapefruits on sale sometimes so I think I will can some juice with them.