

Identify and Treat 13 Common Chicken Diseases

If you have chickens or plan to have them check out how to identify and treat 13 common chicken diseases. With more and more...

Protect Chickens From Disease Carrying Sparrows

Protect your chickens from disease carrying sparrows.If you have chickens then you have probably seen the sparrows around them, after reading this article you...

5 Chicken Raising Mistakes That Can Kill

For anyone raising chickens especially someone that is just beginning, you should know these 5 chicken raising mistakes that can kill your chickens. Raising...

Earthen Chicken Coop Cold Climates

For folks that live where winters are harsh but still want chickens maybe you could benefit from an earthen chicken coop. Raising chickens can be...

Build Homesteading Chickens Emergency Medical Supply Kit

How to build homesteading chickens emergency medical supply kit is detailed in what, and why items are used for. Having a chicken flock means...

Raising Chickens On Compost No Grain

Check out this place that is raising chickens on compost no grain. They have mountains of compost and get new all the time and...

What Causes Double Yolk Homesteading Chicken Eggs Chickens

What causes double yolk homesteading chicken eggs, many people have wondered. Let's take a look into the contributing factors as we go through this...

Rooster Spur Removal 2 Methods

Rooster spur removal can become necessary sometimes when the spur gets too long for the rooster to walk on his feet without making allowances...

10 Beautiful Chicken Breeds and Where To Find Them

Great video showing 10 beautiful chicken breeds. Some of the birds shown are pretty rare, but i did find a lot of them for...

Histoplasmosis and Chickens

If you have chickens you should know about Histoplasmosis and how to avoid catching it. Raising chickens has become more and more popular these...

Friendly Roosters Require a Bit of Training

Learn how to train your rooster to be friendly. While raising chickens is not really all that difficult as long as you are prepared...

Homemade Electrolyte Mix for Sick Chickens

This homemade electrolyte mix for sick chickens is a recipe you want to keep handy when keeping your homesteading flock hydrated. Sometimes keeping a...

Homesteading Adventure in Building Chicken Coop

This homesteading adventure in building a chicken coop is the first step to getting your own farm fresh eggs. Make sure you like The Homestead...

Limited Space City Chicken Coop DIY Project

Here is a great tutorial of how to build a limited space city chicken coop diy project. The following is a very well thought out...

Boost Chickens Health With Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar

This method of how to boost chickens health with garlic and apple cider vinegar can be an amazing tool in keeping your chickens spry. Make...

Mobile Homesteading Chicken Tractor

A mobile homesteading chicken tractor is a tremendous value on the homestead and is secure enough to keep your chickens safe, sound and secure...

Safe Wild Plants for Your Free Range Chickens

This list of safe wild plants for your free range chickens will help reduce your feed bill and give your flock variety in their...

Pros and Cons of Raising Homesteading Chickens

The pros and cons of raising homesteading chickens is all about sharing information of experience so you can decide if you want a flock. So...

Chicken Layers Lodge Chicken Coop DIY Project

This chicken layers lodge chicken coop diy project is an amazing way to build housing that will make your flock cluck with approval. Make sure...

Preventing Winter Boredom in Chickens

Chickens get bored and when they do they can at times start pecking at the others. Here is a round-up of ideas for preventing...

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