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More Natural Flu Remedies


Quick Homemade Vapor Rub


What to Do If You’re Having a Heart Attack


Doctoring on the Homestead



Search home remedies offers 9 at home remedies for stomach flu. Simple ways to help you feel better.   http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/home-remedies-for-stomach-flu/

Ten Essential OTC Medications to Stockpile

What over the counter medicines should you stockpile? Head over to Armageddon medicine to see what they suggest. You never know when you may...

Healing A Skin Infection Without Antibiotics Recipe

Keeper of the home tells us how she treated a skin infection on her son without using antibiotics. I always like trying things more...

Blackstrap Molasses Has Amazing Health Benefits

Blackstrap molasses has amazing health benefits and homesteaders can use it in back to the basics homemade baking recipe for delicious flavor. Molasses is...

Super Sinus Juice Healing Recipe

Winter just kills my sinuses, I am allergic to dust mites and when you are allergic to dust mites it is not good to...

How to Extract a Tooth – SHTF Medical Skills

You never know when you may need to know hot to extract a tooth. Especially in a shtf scenarios. Nothing is worse than a...

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in 6 Different Situations

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in 6 Different Situations So You Will Always Be Prepared Every one should read this article. You just never...

Appendicitis in Survival Situations – graphic pic

All about appendicitis from the Doom and Bloom.   Appendicitis in Survival Situations - graphic pic http://www.doomandbloom.net/2012/09/appendicitis-in-survival-situations.html

Emergency Prep and Pregnancy

When we are thinking about prepping most of us probably do not think of pregnancy or birthing preps. We probably should though. Even if...

Preparing for Winter…Lemon honey tea

Nice recipe for a honey, lemon tea base for colds from Cathering Boley.   http://catherineboley.blogspot.com/2009/08/preparing-for-winter.html  

Survival Medical FAQ

Captain Dave, a New Zelander tells us about survival medicine. This is a great article with some really good info. http://www.captaindaves.com/med-faq/    

Whooping Cough Is Making a Comeback. Know What to Do.

Whooping Cough Is Making a Comeback. Know What to Do.   http://www.thesurvivaldoctor.com/2012/07/31/treatment-for-whooping-cough/

Simple Survival Tips -Treating Minor Sprains and Strained Muscles

Simple Survival Tips -Treating Minor Sprains and Strained   http://stealthsurvival.blogspot.com/2011/04/simple-survival-tips-treating-minor.html

Make a Natural First Aid Kit with Herbs DIY

Make a Natural First Aid Kit with Herbs DIY Make a Natural First Aid Kit with Herbs DIY http://www.herbcompanion.com/Health/Make-a-Natural-First-Aid-Kit-Meet-Healing-Head-On-with-Herbs.aspx      

Survival Doctor teaches how to survive disasters when you can’t get to a doctor. Two New E Books Just published.

Family doctor James Hubbard teaches how to survive disasters when you can’t get to a doctor. He runs the blog TheSurvivalDoctor.com and is the...

Natural Homemade Burn Ointment Heals Like Crazy

 Make your own burn ointment and be ready when someone gets a burn. You never know when it might happen so having this made...

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