These Chicken Breeds List and Care Tips While Homesteading will not only help you find the right breed of chicken according how often they lay eggs, the color of the eggs and if the chicken of your choosing can withstand cold weather climates.
Chicken Breed Name and Facts:
Poor (Lay 1 egg week), Fair (Lay 2 eggs week), Good (Lay 3 eggs week), Very Good (Lay 4 eggs week), Excellent (5 eggs week)
Ameraucana chickens are good layers with “Light Blue Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Ameriflower chickens are excellent layers with “Blue-Green Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Ancona chickens are excellent layers with “White Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Andalusian chickens are good layers with “White Eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Antwerp Belgian Bantam chickens are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickens are good layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Araucana chickens are good layers with “Light Blue Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Aseel chickens are poor layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Australorp chickens are excellent layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Ayam Cemani chickens are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Barnevelder chickens are good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Belgian Bearded d’Uccle Bantam are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs and no they are not cold hardy.
Booted Bantam are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs and no they are not cold hardy.
Brahma are good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Buckeye are good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Campine are good layers with “White Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Catalana are very good layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Chantecler are very good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Cochin are fair layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy
Cornish are poor layers with “Light Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy
Crevecoeur are fair layers with “White Eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Cubalaya are very good layers with “Cream or Tinted Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Cuckoo Bluebar are excellent layers with “Blue-Green Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Delaware are very good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Dominique are good layers with “Brown Eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Dorking are good layers with “Cream or Tinted” and they are cold hardy.
Dutch Bantam are fair layers with “Light Brown” and they are not cold hardy.
Easter Eggers are very good layers with “Green/Blue/Pink/Multi eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Favaucana are very good layers with “Sage Green eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Faverolles are very good layers with “Light Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Fayoumi are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Hamburg are very good layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Holland are good layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Houdan are fair layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Japanese Bantam are poor layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Java are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Jersey Giant are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
La Fleche are good layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Lakenvelder are good layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Langshan are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy. are very good layers with “Light Blue eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Leghorn (Non-White) are good layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Leghorn (White) are very good layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Malay are poor layers with “Light Brown eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Marans are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Minorca are very good layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Modern Game are poor layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Naked Neck (Turken) are fair layers with “Light Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
New Hampshire Red are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Old English Game are fair layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Olive Egger – MPC are good layers with “Olive Green eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Orpington are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Penedesenca are good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Phoenix are good layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Plymouth Rock are very good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Polish are fair layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Redcap are good layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Rhode Island Reds are excellent layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Rosecomb Bantam are poor layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Russian Orloff are fair layers with “Light Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Sebright Bantam are poor layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Serama are very good layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Sicilian Buttercup are fair layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Silkie Bantam are good layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Star are excellent layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Sultan are poor layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Sumatra are poor layers with “White eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Super Blue Egg Layer are excellent layers with “Light Blue eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Sussex are very good layers with “Light Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Welsummer are very good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
White Faced Black Spanish are good layers with “White eggs” and they are not cold hardy.
Wyandotte are very good layers with “Brown eggs” and they are cold hardy.
Yokohama are good layers with “Cream or Tinted eggs” and they are not cold hardy.