Homesteaders that are pondering chicken coop construction and building guidelines will be thrilled to read about these questions answered. Chickens need a safe predator proof place to call home, get warm/stay cool, rest for the evening, lay eggs and have camaraderie of other hens.
When building a chicken coop that prompts good health for your flock these essential features should be discussed among the homesteaders putting together a design plan.
Nesting Boxes
Door & Latches
Feed & Watering Stations
Insulation, Heaters, Etc
At least 4 square feet per bird is ideal if your chickens can free range during the day. If they are going to be cooped up most or all of the time, go for 10 square feet per bird for a small homestead chicken flock, in my opinion.
Building a chicken coop takes time, at least some skills, and a lot of careful planning. Before you start hammering, please check your city ordinances.
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