This Chicken Coop Drainage System for Chickens Water Source Project is all about fixing an age old homesteading issue because chickens like to make a mess.

More people are becoming homesteaders every day, are discovering the benefits of raising chickens in their backyard or on their homestead. Having a large supply of fresh eggs and chickens being raised for meat has its definite health benefits.
This article was designed to introduce the reader to a DIY project for setting up a quality water drainage system made especially for a chicken coop.
The author of this Do It Yourself project was looking to share their extensive knowledge of raising chickens and educating others in all aspects of raising chickens. This project includes a complete list of everything needed to build an automatic watering system with a built-in drainage system. All of the information is presented in a way that makes it really easy to follow.
Parts List (Per Basin):
2 24″ 2×4’s
2 21″ 2×6’s
1 24″x36″ galvanized metal sheet
3″x4″ piece of 1/2″ hardware wire
1.5″ PVC Pipe, cut to length
16″x16″ Paver Stepping Stone
75 lbs of 1.5″ round river rocks
Plastic rain gutter splash block
1/2 tube of Liquid Nails construction adhesive
20 1″ sheet metal screws
Tools Used:
Table Saw
Cordless Drill
Corded Drill
Caulking Gun
Chop Saw
Angle Grinder with Cut Off Wheel
Skill Saw with Masonry Blade
Click here to read about how to build Chicken Coop Drainage System for Chickens Water Source Project: