Chicken is the meat being bought and eaten the most at my house these days. Beef has gone through the roof and pork is really climbing up there as well.
Between droughts causing shortages of feed for the beef and them being sent for slaughter faster to avoid feeding them, the prices of beef have gone up and just continue to climb. Then the swine have that virus that causes the piglets to die soon after birth and have you priced bacon lately!?
Chicken so far is still fairly reasonable in price and I still see sales on it so I was delighted to find this recipe for making your own chicken sausage. If We can make our own chicken sausage and replace the pork product it will save us money n the long run.
Another bonus to making your own chicken sausage is knowing exactly what is in it, even better if you raise your own chickens and know what went in them. Old Fashioned Families shares this recipe for chicken sausage. You can also fine recipes for Homemade Sausages that are made of beef and pork and even fish if you prefer.
Click here for recipe: