Chickens Roaming In Garden Tunnel Project AKA Chicken Chunnel is not hard to create, just labor intensive but worth the effort. The peace of mind you will have keeping your chickens safe while you are tending your garden. Your chickens having the freedom to roam.

A Chunnel is a type of tunnel for chickens to walk through within a confined space. It is goes from the coop to the feed, running between buildings. For those who have a farmstead raising chickens and hens, this could be a good construction to keep them going in a straight line without getting lost. Get some hardwood cloth, 3-foot-1×1 pieces, and create a circumference of 72-inches.
Take out the sharp edges and overlapped the cloth by about 2 inches and tie it together. Measure the space in which you are running the Chunnel in and give an extra couple of inches along the sides for the chickens.
With the hardware cloth, staple those same-sized pieces to wooden 2×2’s who will acting as panels that can be locked for security and removed when you need to clean the coop. Cut seven three-feet sections and overlap by a couple of inches and tied like previously. Fasten the arch to the ground using heavy duty pins. For every 3 feet, support the arch with five feet of 1/2 inch electrical conduit cord folded in a half circle, fastened to the floor with 1/2 inch rebar.
The structure is made to be permanent but some parts can be removed when you have to clean it. Just open up some ties and pull out the pins and rebar, which then can be put back after. Like that, the Chunnel is made.
1×1 inch hardware cloth
Seven 5 ft lengths of conduit into a half circle
1/2 inch- foot long rebar
Landscaping pins
Zip ties
Click here to read about Chickens Roaming Garden Tunnel Project AKA Chicken Chunnel:
As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Chicken Train Tunnel Between Garden Rows”: