See the steps that went into choosing a solar power system on this off grid homestead. Homesteading is a very unique way of life to begin with, but if you couple that with off-grid living and you have a serious lifestyle change ahead you. Without a reliable source of electricity doing even the most basic things around the house can be an extreme chore to say the least. However, many off-grid homesteaders have discovered alternative power sources such as solar power and this article covers a solar power system.

This extremely useful article is from Homestead Honey. The author was looking help others who could be looking for their own off-grid power source. All of the information is a presented in way that makes it really easy to read and follow. The project is fairly complicated and does require a good bit of DIY skills in order to do everything that will be necessary.
Benefits of reading and following the information in the Choosing a Solar Power System Article
It is filled with tons of valuable information on how to go about choosing the right solar power system.
The article talks about what went into making the decision on the specific system they chose.
It also includes a complete breakdown of the whole system they decided on.
It also includes several full color pictures that provide a good visual of some of the system components.