Vehicle MaintenanceClean Car Seats Upholstery at Home to Save Money

Clean Car Seats Upholstery at Home to Save Money

This Clean Car Seats Upholstery at Home to Save Money project is detailed in this step by step tutorial. It is actually really simple, thrifty and not that time consuming.

Clean Car Seats Upholstery at Home to Save Money - The Homestead Survival - Frugal Homesteading

Car upholstery cleaning costs a lot, especially when you have children and they are still in the booster seat era. Kids are messy, and we don’t always know the true conditions of our car’s upholstery unless we remove all the kids’ car seats, even those of us who are accustomed to it, still have mini heart palpitations when we see more than we were expecting.

The going rate at the local car dealerships can take you upwards of $200 and most of the time, only 3% of the actual stains are removed with the steam cleaner, leaving your upholstery with water spots everywhere.

After some research, I came up with a cheaper and better solution, using ingredients straight from my kitchen pantry. You can tweak the amounts accordingly, but I found that equal amounts of everything, works best for me.

List of Supplies:

• A mild dish washing detergent

• White vinegar

• Club soda

• Scrubbing brush

• Spray bottle

• Shop Vac / steam cleaner

Clean your car out and vacuum really well.

Fill the spray bottle with equal parts of detergent, vinegar and club soda and shake well so that everything mixes completely.

Spray the car’s upholstery and let it sit for no less than three (3) minutes.

Respray the area, then, taking the scrubbing brush, scrub the stained area in a circular motion.

Use a shop vac or steam cleaner and regular water to “rinse” the area and suck up all the liquid.

Let your upholstery air dry and be amazed!

Spray the car with an essential oil of your preference.


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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