Cleaning Clothes Without Washing Machine By Hand
This article “Cleaning Clothes Without Washing Machine By Hand” was designed to introduce the reader to a powerful article that covers a unique hand powered washer method.

The automatic clothes washer and dryer are probably two of the most under-appreciated appliances in the typical modern homesteading household. Unfortunately, all too often we only find out at the worst time that there is something wrong (aka broken) with washer or dryer.
While most people these days probably cannot remember their mother having to wash all of the families clothes by hand and then hanging them out on the clothesline all day for drying.
This Do It Yourself project was designed to provide the reader with the knowledge of how to put together a hand powered clothes washer that doesn’t require any electricity to get all of the family’s clothes clean. By following all of the information that is written in the article anyone would be able to gather the necessary items and follow the instructional guide to make this unique hand-powered clothes washer.