DairyContinuous Homemade Cultured Buttermilk

Continuous Homemade Cultured Buttermilk

If you like cultured buttermilk learn how you can keep some in your fridge continuously. You start off with a small amount of cultured buttermilk from the store and some regular milk and if you want to always have buttermilk you just need to add some of yours to new milk before you use it all up each time.


Foodie With Family shares the recipe and then she is nice enough to give you about five different recipes to use it in. I absolutely will not make corn bread without my butter milk and I also like it in pancakes. So if you like and use buttermilk you know how costly it is, Get these instructions and make your own continuously and never buy the expensive stuff again. The bonus is when you need or want some you will have it and not have to make a special trip to the store just cause you want some dang corn bread for dinner. Yeah that’s why I went looking for a recipe to make my own buttermilk. Still have to go to the store for some but at least this will be the last time I have to.

Click here for instructions>>>    http://www.foodiewithfamily.com/homemade-cultured-buttermilk/

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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