DIY ProjectsConvertible Outdoor Coffee Table Bench DIY Project

Convertible Outdoor Coffee Table Bench DIY Project

How to build convertible outdoor coffee table bench diy project is an amazing addition to your backyard that any motivated homesteader can create. This design is versatile and just eye catching. Grab your tools and get started.

Build Convertible Outdoor Coffee Table Bench DIY Project

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It is very easy to build an outdoor bench that is also a coffee table. The materials include 8 ft. of eight 2x4s, one 2x2s and 1x3s each and two 1x8s. 41” top middle and bottom middle braces should be attached to 2x4s of 16 ½” using Kreg Jig Hole System with 2 ½” pocket hole screws to be attached with glue.

Materials List:

8 – 2x4s @ 8ft

1 – 2x2s @ 8ft

2 – 1x8s @ 8ft

1 – 1×3 @ 8ft

Cut List:

4- 2x4s @ 41″

1 – 2×2 @ 41″

8 – 2x4s @ 16 1/2″

4 – 2x4s @ 15″

2 – 2x4s @ 5 1/2″

2 – 2x4s @ 15″

4 – 1x8s @ 48″

2 – 1x3s @ 48″

2 – 2x4s @ 9 1/2″

Next, side arms are assembled by attaching 2×4 (5 ½”) front and top side (16 ½”) 2×4 braces using 1 1/2″ setting, with 2 1/2″ pocket hole screws using wooden screws and wood glue. 15” 2×4 bottom side braces are attached to finish the side arm using the same setting. The two side arms are then attached to the top bench back support followed by attachment of 1×8 bench seat supports to the top bench. Middle 1/3 bench seat support is nailed to the top bench then. 2×4 top and bottom middle braces are attached to the side 2x4s using the pocket hole system with 2 ½” pocket hole screws.

The top side and front side braces are also attached to assemble the side arms for the bottom half of the bench. The two side arms are attached to the bottom bench back support. The 41” 2x4s and 9 ½” braces are attached to the existing bottom bench. Using wood glue and screws the 48” 1×8 and 1×3 boards are attached to the bottom bench. There should be ¼” spacing in between. Add hardware to combine bottom and top benches together.

Click here to read about how to build convertible outdoor coffee table bench diy project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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