This Cooked Smoked Beef Tongue Lengua Homemade Vintage Recipe is delicious and resourceful by using every part of the butchered cow.
“Don’t let the cut of meat scare you it is a very tender tasty meat. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Find the meat at any Mexican market, ask the butcher. Cow tongue does offer some advantages: providing protein, vitamins and minerals.
1 3 1/2 pound smoked beef tongue
4 cups boiling water
4 cloves
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 carrot, sliced
1 peeled onion, sliced
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 bay leaf
1. Wash tongue thoroughly. Drain. Place in pressure saucepan with boiling water and remaining ingredients.
2. Adjust cover. Allow the steam to flow from vent to release air; bring pressure to 15 pounds, following manufacturer’s directions.
3. Cook at 15 pounds pressure one hour. Reduce pressure quickly, as directed; uncover.
4. Skin tongue; cool. Cool liquid.
5. Return Beef tongue to liquid. Chill well; slice.
6. Just before serving, 3 cups of small peeled onions can be cooked in a pressure pan for 3 minutes at 15 pounds pressure, following directions. Reheat and serve this in tacos with chopped onion, tomato, cilantro, and wedges of lime.”
Serves 6.
Beef tongue is a dish made of the tongue of a cow. Beef tongue is very high in fat, contributing up to 72% of its caloric content. Some countries, including Canada and specifically the province of Alberta, export large quantities of beef tongue.