There is still enough time left in the summer to make this hinged covered greenhouse raised bed. Making a raised garden bed is really simple but this project raises it to a whole new level usefulness… quite fabulous.
The wire beneath the raised garden bed keeps out moles and other creatures that would love to munch on your veggies.
The greenhouse cover extends your growing season from early spring to very late fall for most gardeners.
But if you were very creative with heated manures and lived in the right part of the country – you could grow all winter long.
The hinged feature allowing easy access is a labor-saving and much appreciated. It also makes it easy to place a removable brick between the raised garden bed and the greenhouse shell to vent (create air flow for cooling) the plants.
Young tender plants sometimes need to be hardened off (acclimated to colder nights) or shaded for intense sunshine.
Maybe you will get lucky and find salvaged wood to bring down the cost of this project.
Swing N Cocoa blog shares a covered greenhouse hinged raised garden bed build it your project.
Click here to read how to create this project:
Spring Gardener Gable Greenhouse, 6 Feet X 8 Feet X 7 Feet
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