In this article you will see how to filter, purify and store water to create an emergency water supply. When it comes to making survival plans, you need to put water high on the list, probably just after shelter. So when it comes to putting together the survival plan, you should plan for both short term and long term water needs. This article describes both a suggestion for storing drinking water for the short term and filter water for the long term disruption of the your water supply.
The article is from Sensible Survival. As water is an absolute necessity and is a huge concern during and after any type of natural or catastrophic disaster. This article was designed to introduce the reader to a couple of useful methods to provide clean drinking water for the family in the event of a disaster. This article describes both a short term emergency water concept as well as a long term water filtration system. It includes a plan for setting up a typical water filtration system. The plan includes a complete list of all the materials and supplies needed to get started. The article includes an easy to understand diagram of the water filtering system.