Curing MeatsCreate Multi Level Meat Smoker from Metal Tank DIY Project

Create Multi Level Meat Smoker from Metal Tank DIY Project

How to Create Multi Level Meat Smoker from Metal Tank DIY Project is all about “repurposing” an old propane tank into a wonderful smoker that can make meats, hard cheeses, shellfish, fruit, nuts (pecans and walnuts), olives (black or green), hard-boiled eggs, vegetables, and even capers.

Create Multi Level Meat Smoker from Metal Tank DIY Project

I am a meat lover and I always want an apparatus that would cook more meat but occupy less space. My old one had a double rack but I wanted more capacity in that tank. I did a market search but could not find the desired size. Searching the internet, I decided that I could repair an expired tank and I can customize it according to my will.

Material and Tools for the project:


100 lb Propane Tank (expired)

1/8″ x 1″ Steel Bar Stock

1/8″ x 1/2″ Steel Bar Stock

1/4″ Steel Rod

1″ Angle Steel

2 Welding Hammers

14 Gauge Sheet Metal

Door Hinges

4″ Ducting

Miscellaneous hardware like bolts and nuts



MIG or Stick Welder (a MIG welder makes this build super easy, as there is no slag to chip)

Angle Grinder with Flap Discs and Cutting Discs

Drill and Bits

Various small hand tools


For a person who is a meat lover, there is not ample equipment where more food is cooked at a commercial level but the space utilization is less. I had searched for all possible places but never up to such a steamer that would cater to all my requirements. But I had an open option to prepare my own custom made tank. It was a very hectic job and took days to complete but as they say, where there is a will there is a way so, my end product was a delight for me.

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This was a very pains-taking project and I had to use some heavy tools like a welding unit also. This is a very dangerous project and not everyone can handle it. If you want to do it, you would be responsible for it yourself. I have given you the precaution so I will not be held responsible for anything. My end product was just perfect as it accommodated three shelves of meat and occupied less space. I am very proud of my achievement.

Click here to read about How to Create Multi Level Meat Smoker from Metal Tank DIY Project:

christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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