DIY ProjectsCreate Trampoline Safety with Padded Pool Noodles

Create Trampoline Safety with Padded Pool Noodles

This amazing method of how to create trampoline safety with padded pool noodles is inexpensive, simple to do and will save blood, tears and broken bones this summer. This project offers an unique idea that turns a simple child flotation device into a trampoline protection system.

Create Trampoline Safety with Padded Pool Noodles

Look in the backyards of homes all throughout the country and you are bound to find a number of of these large trampolines in many of them. They are very popular for a number of reasons and they tend to get a whole lot of use. Continual use will eventually lead to the safety pad needing to be replaced. The safety pad is the part of the trampoline that is designed to cover the springs that hold the trampoline together.

Having to replace the safety pad will lead to a pretty expensive repair, but for not a lot of money and a couple of hours of work you can save quite a bit of money.

Cutting pool noodles into sections then sliced down one side…. cover each trampoline spring.

● The project describes an inexpensive solution to a worn out trampoline pad

● Project includes a list of all the needed materials and tools you will need to complete it

● Includes an easy to read and understand step by step instruction guide

● Includes several full color photos that show several of the steps that are part of the project

Click here to read about how to create trampoline safety with padded pool noodles:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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