CrochetCrochet Grocery Shopping Bag Craft Project

Crochet Grocery Shopping Bag Craft Project

Crochet Grocery Shopping Bag Craft Project is a great way to bring usefull function and beauty together to reduce plastic bag waste by creating a strong RE-Useable bag.

Bring your groceries home, unpack them and throw them in the trunk of your car for the next time you run to the market.

Crochet Grocery Shopping Bag Craft Project

Get the following to make this artistic bag:

1. 5 millimeter crochet hook

2. 4 ounce cream colored yarn balls

3. four marking stitches

4. pair of scissors

5. yarn needle

When it is finished, it will be 17-18 inches wide and 12-13 inches high.

For the body: start with the bottom and make 56 rows of it before working the rest of the way to the top in 37 rounds. Repeat, repeat, repeat, and snip and secure, snip and secure. For the handles: lie out the bag with what would be the right side of the bagupwards. The bag’s opened front is even, stitched, and straightened up. Put a stitch mark on the left and right side of the bag’s opened front. Create 15 stitches starting at the left mark and makea stitch with one other marker. Replicate along the right end and make two rows out of it.

Now, move onto the outside bag’s edge on the handle. From the bag’s handle, right side and outside of the handle, put the hook in its suture at the point of handle and bag’s top end meeting up. Follow procedure for every handle’s row and make every stitch downthe bag’s opening the opposite handle and keep onall the way till the hook is returned to its starting point. Snip the yarn and fasten it. Finally, with the inside handle of the bag’s edge, simply repeat the process as done on the outer handle, snip the yarn, and secure.

Click here to read about Crochet Grocery Store Shopping Bag Craft Project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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