CleanersDawn Dish Soap Vinegar Glass Shower Door Cleaning Homemade Recipe

Dawn Dish Soap Vinegar Glass Shower Door Cleaning Homemade Recipe

This Dawn Dish Soap Vinegar Glass Shower Door Cleaning Homemade Recipe was designed to introduce a powerful way to clean your glass shower enclosure. Use this simple homemade mixture to eliminate back-breaking scrubbing those shower door and tub.

Dawn Dish Soap Vinegar Glass Shower Door Cleaning Homemade Recipe - The Homestead Survival

Glass showers enclosures from floor to ceiling have been more and more popular these days when people are remodeling their bathrooms. Unfortunately, there is a downside to having all glass or glass doors shower enclosure. Glass can be extremely difficult to get clean, remove hard water stains and no streaks or mildew.



One cup White Vinegar

1/2 cup of Dawn Dishwashing Soap
2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda



Measuring cup

Plastic spray bottle 




1. Heat one cup white vinegar in a microwave for 90 seconds and once removed carefully pour into a plastic spray bottle.

2. Add 1/2 cup of Dawn dishwashing soap and 2 tablespoons of baking soda

3. Shake gently to mix

4. Spray glass shower doors and bathtub with the mixture. Let sit for 30 minutes.

5. Rinse with water and easily wipe away any bathtub scum.

6. Taking one minute to squeegee the glass after a shower makes a huge difference in the overall condition of the glass. No Streaks!

It also includes an easy to follow step by step instructional guide that covers everything from start to finish.

It is all too well known how difficult it can be to clean and maintain a bathroom shower that features all glass walls or doors.

* Bonus Tip: All you have to do is treat the glass with rainX every few months and you’ll never have this problem. RainX now has a product for shower doors, but I always just use the product for the car, it’s less expensive.

christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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