CraftsDecorating Oranges Cloves Pomander Balls - Christmas Project

Decorating Oranges Cloves Pomander Balls – Christmas Project

A step by step tutorial of decorating oranges cloves pomander balls is a Christmas project that children love to do. This Christmas tradition that can actually be traced as far back as Colonial times is the Pomander Ball.

These decorations could be found in drawers, hanging from fireplace mantels and even directly on the Christmas tree. These Pomander Balls would be made using a variety of different fruits and cloves. However the most favored fruit used was the orange, mainly because it is quite aromatic to begin with. A string would be attached after the orange dried and when hung in the room the combination of the clove and orange would fill the room.

Decorating Oranges Cloves Pomander Balls - Christmas Project
Photo credit I Food TV

Tradition of making Pomander Ball and giving them as gifts to friends and family continues to be carried out all over the U.S.

Benefits of following the How to make a Christmas Orange Pomander Ball

● Complete, easy to follow directions

● Includes a list of all the ingredients needed

● Includes color pictures of each step

Fun with the kids…. !
Decorating Oranges Cloves Pomander Balls - Christmas Project

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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