Juicing & SmoothiesDelicious Super Booster Green Juicing Recipe

Delicious Super Booster Green Juicing Recipe

This homemade delicious super booster green juicing recipe is a great way to add spring into your step by adding liquid vitamins and nutrition to your daily intake.

Delicious Super Booster Green Juice Recipe

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Here is how to make a healthy super boost green juice. There is no doubt, taking a lot of fruits and vegetables have a lot of health benefits. Most importantly, they work against unnecessary weight gain and they enhance smooth digestion and seamless metabolism of the body.

The ingredients for this particular green juice are some water, some wheatgrass, artichoke powder, green apple, parsley pea sprouts, snap peas, some carrots, some mint, cucumber, celery, ginger, lime, kale and ice.









Snap peas


Green Apple

Artichoke powder (optional)




First of all, you need to chop everything into pretty large chunks but small enough for your blender to handle. Add some water and lime. You could also add a few drops of non-caloric peach mango drink to sweeten it a little bit. Add the ice and blend them all. You need to start with low speed but you can gradually increase the speed.

Due to the reaction among the ingredients, they can raise heat as you blend. So you need to keep checking the temperature as you blend by touching the side of the blender. If it begins to get hot, then you need to keep adding more ice until the mixture is smoothly blended.

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor – (Details Here)

You can experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables as there are infinite combinations of smoothies. This is just to give you an idea. You can come up with yours but try this one out first. Please don’t forget to share the recipe.

Click here to read about homemade delicious super booster green juicing recipe:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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