SewingDesign Travel Shirt You Can Wear 16 Different Ways

Design Travel Shirt You Can Wear 16 Different Ways

A frugal homesteader can design travel shirt you can wear 16 different ways which adds a whole new level of flexibility to your wardrobe. When you have limited space when packing, you have got to make every piece multi functional.

Sewing Simple Shirt Project Plus 16 Ways To Wear It

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Most people especially women can easily get tired easily of putting on one piece of clothing for several times in one or two months. This arises mostly if they are out of town or travelled to another city to spend some days, thus making them to pack only a few clothes.

Other women only feel comfortable wearing a top of one design once or twice at most before discarding it while others may not have the time, opportunity and the resources of buying and changing their clothes always to different types and designs. Some other people are also timid and afraid of people who may notice that they putting on the same top over and over again.

For whatever category you may be or if you want to learn something new and an interesting skill, then this lesson is for you.

What you will need:

– 1 yards/meter of stretch fabric

– fabric scissors

In this lesson, you will learn how to make a top that you can wear up to sixteen different ways without anyone noticing that it is the same top. Someone may ask or think how it’s possible to do this, and some other person may think that if it is possible then it will require elaborate designs and the use of sewing and designing machines. Do not be distressed or have any worry about any of this because the procedure that you will learn do not involve any sewing machine or elaborate and complex design that is difficult to make. The procedure only involves a pair of scissors and a fabric that you want to use to make the top.

The procedure is simple, easy and fast to do. Anyone interested can easily do it and it does not require any special skills, all you have to do is to pick up scissors and before you know it, you will have a top that you can wear sixteen ways without anyone noticing.

Click here to read about how to make a sewing (not really) simple shirt project plus 16 ways to wear it:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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