If you need to use a sawhorse sometimes but are limited on space make these DIY adjustable folding sawhorses that can be at different heights and fold for putting them away, out of the way.

I like that they fold because folded up they would take up so much less space and for most folks I think you only use your sawhorses once in a while. Unless you use them for your work every day and then these are neat because since they fold they would be easier to transport. Christopher Merrill shares his tutorial on how he build them and how you can adjust the height to work for the job you are doing.
These are much nicer that the ones you make with 2 x 4s. He says they should be good for just about any job up to about 400 pounds. This could even become a bit of a side job for some folks. Make them and sell them at flea markets of even garage sales.