Make your own emergency candle in a jar and be prepared to have light when the power goes out. This is made using a mason jar. Once you have made the kit you will have candles, a stand for a candle and matches right there all together in the jar. That is better than having to search all over for a candle. Then find a candle holder and finally find some matches in the dark before you can have some light. While I know a lot of folks are thinking, who needs candles? I have a flashlight.

Have you ever turned on a flash light and had it go dim and them off in about 5 minutes. Unless you keep up with keeping the batteries fresh this has probably happened to you. If not I am happy you never had the pleasure. It isn’t fun. I will still make a couple of these jars to have just in case. Kind of as a back up to my back up. It can sit in the pantry out of the way. I also bought a solar battery charger so I can charge batteries in case of a power outage that lasts longer than my batteries. That will allow me to charge them during the day provided there is sunlight. Meanwhile I will make a couple of these, thanks to Craft Yourself for a great idea.