CraftsDIY Magnetic Chore Chart For Children

DIY Magnetic Chore Chart For Children

How To Make A DIY Magnetic Chore Chart For Children

When you have young children around you can never seem to get the house all clean at the same time because as you clean one area they are busy making messes in another area. Doing the chores of cleaning or even cleaning up after themselves is not so much fun but there are ways to make them think it is fun. I know a lot of folks offer an allowance for doing chores and that usually works for older kids but the smaller ones need it to be more like play than work.

DIY Magnetic Chore Chart For Children

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This magnetic chore chart that you can make and then hang at their level is a great idea. It has cute chore pictures on it so even very young kids can do the chores. The magnetic buttons start off in the chore area and as they complete a chore they can move that button to the done area. I think most little ones would feel proud to be able to do their chores and move the buttons on their own. Not only would this help them to clean up after themselves but it could be a good start of teaching them how to be more independent. By showing and telling them what each picture means and then letting them do the chores would teach them to make decisions (pick a chore) and carry through (do the chore).

Praising them well for completing their chore chart would reward them without it seeming like a bribe. If you have a cleaning time or day you could all do chores together. This great idea and the instructions if from A Spotted Pony. She tells us that her kids are really excited to do their chores and I think a lot of little ones would be.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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