DIY ProjectsDIY Wooden Rock Band Whirligig

DIY Wooden Rock Band Whirligig

Watch the tutorial on making this diy wooden rock band whirligig and see how awesome this project is. Even the little musicians were made from wood. When the wind blows on the blades the rockers really rock out of their homemade instruments.

DIY Wooden Rock Band Whirligig

This thing is totally adorable and I can pretty much bet you could make money selling them.  I know homesteaders are always on the look out for ways to make a little extra money. Some raise chickens and sell the eggs. I knew some folks that had horses and lived near where there were all kinds of creeks, lakes and rivers so the dug the earthworms that loved the horse manure and sold them at the end of their driveway for bait.

With this whirligig you could make these in winter when the homestead garden is done for a couple of months and outside chores are a less heavy load. This you could do indoors and be ready to sell them a t farmer’s markets and flea markets in the warmer months. I know I would buy one because I just love it. So I am pretty sure a lot of other folks would too.

If you got really good you could do other characters as well, for instance a whole chicken family pecking when the wind blows. A homesteading wife washing clothes on a washboard in the yard. The possibilities are endless.  This totally neat idea is from, FS Woodworking on Instructables.

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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