DIY Yurt: build a homemade yurt using mud, sticks and string is an interesting concept. In this article you will see how they built a 20 foot around yurt with branches and mud and it stays warm inside even in the Pacific Northwest winters. If you were to ask people what they think about houses, chances are you will get a whole lot of different answers.
This is mostly because no two opinions of what a house truly means are ever going to be the same. Whether it be a large single story, medium two-story or even a massive multi-level mansion they each represent a house to someone. This particular article will introduce all of its readers to one of the most unique home construction concept; the Yurt.This article comes from the writers at Mother Earth News and it describes in detail how they built an entire Yurt using only a few simple materials.
If you are not familiar with what a Yurt is, it is a design concept based on a circular construction. While the Yurt can be found made from a wide range of materials, this particular article talks about how author made one from mud, sticks and string. The Yurt is one of the most unique style of house and the one here is one of the most basic form
The article describes in detail how it was put together from a just a few basic materials
It features several pictures that offer a visual representation of the construction