ChickensDo Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter ?

Do Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter ?

Do Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter is often asked by homesteaders raising chickens in colder climates.

 Do Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter ? - Homesteading - The Homestead Survival

When it comes to raising chickens on a homestead there are many things that a newbie should know. One of the less common issues involves a misconception about the effects extreme cold on livestock, especially chickens. The truth is most animals that live outside have adapted over time to the harsh temperatures. This article was designed to introduce the reader to some very valuable information about heat lamps and chickens.

The author was looking to share this valuable information with as many people as possible. Their hope is that by educating them about the unnecessary use of heat lamps actually pose more of a danger to livestock then actually provide warmth during the cold winter months. There have been more homestead fires from faulty heat lamps and or space heaters. All of the information is presented in a way that makes it really easy to read and understand.

Benefits of reading the article Homesteading 101: Do Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter ?

Learn some very valuable and potentially lifesaving information that could possibly prevent a serious accidental fire

The article goes into great detail to explain why it is highly discouraged that anyone uses any type of heat lamp in a barn or chicken coop

It also explains that for the most part any livestock that lives outside normally have natural defenses from the cold such as extra layers of feathers, double coat of furs or hair

All of the information is really easy to read and to understand in hopes to help as many people as possible avoid any of the dangers associated with heat lamps

Click here to read about the question “Do Chickens Need A Heat Lamp in Coop during Winter” ? :

As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Build a Homesteading Water Heater for a Chicken Coop”:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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