If a dog is lucky enough to survive, it may be seriously traumatized emotionally & physically.
Watch the video below to watch a human endure what a dog endures stuck in a hot car.
Vehicle Temperature
Outside the car: 75 Inside the car: 100
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 10 minutes
Outside the car: 75 Inside the car: 100
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 30 minutes
Outside the car: 85 Inside the car: 90
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 5 minutes
Outside the car: 85 Inside the car: 100
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 8 minutes
Outside the car: 85 Inside the car: 120
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 30 minutes (dog is injured)
Outside the car: 100 Inside the car: 140
Time to reach that HEAT inside the car: 15 minutes (dog is most likely going to die or have permanent damage)
A dog can only withstand a temperature of 107 0r 108 for a short time before brain damage starts to occur.
What can you do to save a dog’s life that is in serious distress in a hot car ?
1. Call 911…. give them the make, model, color and license plate to the vehicle.
Let them know you if you are willing to break a window on the car if the dog isn’t going to make it.
Remember all calls are recorded, so let them know if it is a life or death situation.
2. Is the dog showing signs of:
Excessive panting
Dark Red Gums
High Fever
Rapid Heartbeat