Good info on athlete’s foot. Doom and bloom give us advice on what to do about it.
They always give such good advice on things medical. I saw they are selling fish antibiotics on their site as well. I really like how they tell you both an antifungal treatment and then an all natural essential oil treatment for athleste’s foot. Its nice to have a choice.

When Your Dogs Are Howling (From Athlete’s Foot)
The Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Handbook: Keep your loved ones healthy in every disaster, from wildfires to a complete societal collapse
Now Foods – Tea Tree Essential Oil, 4 fl oz liquid
Lotrimin AF Antifungal Cream for Athlete’s Foot, .85-Ounce Tubes (Pack of 2)
Lotrimin Antifungal Powder for Athlete’s Foot, 3-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)