GardeningDouble Ring Method To Grow Loads Of Tomatoes On Only 5 Plants

Double Ring Method To Grow Loads Of Tomatoes On Only 5 Plants

 Double ring method to grow loads of tomatoes on only 5 plants. This is the neatest way of growing tomatoes that I have seen. I am so definitely going to grow mine this way next year. I will do the set up right in the raised garden beds I already have. This is really nice because you only need a circle of around thirty inches to grow five tomato plants and you are feeding them all summer so you get tons of tomatoes. The set up consists of a tube of hardware mesh in the center of a tube or wire fencing. then the tomato plants are planted around the outside of the wire fencing tube.

Double Ring Method To Grow Loads Of Tomatoes On Only 5 Plants

The center tube is filled with compost and you water the tomatoes from the top so the water runs down into the compost taking nutrients through the hardware mesh and feeding the tomatoes. Then as the tomatoes grow you can use the wire fence tube as a support for the plants by tying them to the fence. Rodale’s Organic Life shares this tomato growing method and I for one think it is an awesome way to grow tomatoes. When they said they ended up with 90 pounds of tomatoes from just those five plants I was totally sold and will be doing this in my garden next year.


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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