Emergency PreparednessDumpster Diving Urban Survival Food Strategy

Dumpster Diving Urban Survival Food Strategy

Dumpster Diving Urban Survival Food Strategy is rarely talked about way to acquire food. It is not exactly legal, sort of a grayish area. It has been thrown away but is still the property of the company that threw it away. There is man’s law and the desire to survive as a homeless person.

Dumpster Diving Urban Survival Food Strategy

Living in the heart of a city, homeless or barely scraping by, it can be so difficult. In these congested cities, people wander around – as individuals or in groups – to become a clan of hunter and gatherers. They have to be find clean water to drink and bathe in. They need to find food to eat. When things get desperate – more desperate than you can ever think to be, people will do what they have to for food. For those who plan ahead and keep enough food for the long run, they will be fine, but for those who didn’t, it is a bitter struggle. One can hope neighbors have fled their home to a safer location and won’t return for a while (or ever), so you can break in and go through the cabinets for those cans of beans, soup, or vegetables. Hopefully, there is still a can opener inside.

Then, there are dumpsters and plenty of them sitting on every block. To dumpster dive is to do exactly what it means: getting inside a dumpster, digging deep, and finding food still good to eat. Some simply climb in like a pool, while other dive in like professionals to get in deep. Either way, it is a dirty business.

Don’t get picky in what is in there. Go in and scavenge for leftovers.

Always wear heavy duty plastic gloves and beware that there are dangers of being puntured from sharp objects and glass.

In those dumpsters, restaurants dump the wasted foods that are bought in mass quantities. Maybe times the food is in enclosed plastic containers. Instead of collecting up extra food, they throw it away, even if it was never opened or touched. Statistics say more than 30 percent of dumped food are dried-food and imperishable, including the 20 percent of those foods being from cans.

You would be surpised at what department stores and grocery stores throw away. Brand new items, never unwrapped…. it is true.

Click here to read about Dumpster Diving Urban Survival Food Strategy:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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