For folks that live where winters are harsh but still want chickens maybe you could benefit from an earthen chicken coop.
Raising chickens can be a bit challenging in the beginning, especially if you live where it gets really cold in the winter. Have you ever walked out to your chicken coop to gather the morning eggs and find them frozen? This post was designed to introduce the reader to a possible solution to having frozen eggs in the winter months.
The earthen chicken coop idea is from Permies. The creator of the post was looking to share what they came up with as a solution for their winter time chicken cool dilemma. The earthen chicken coop concept uses the warmth of the earth and the natural wind blocking effect by having the coop mostly underground.
Benefits of reading the Earthen Chicken Coop Cold Climates
Discover a very interesting idea for solving a problem with having frozen eggs and water in the coop during the winter.
The post describes how effective this type of coop can be for keeping the winter cold out and the chickens cozy inside.
The concept of an earthen chicken coop will actually work year round by regulating temperatures better.
The post includes a couple full-color pictures to help provide a good visual reference.