Household TipsEasily Remove Sticky Glass Jar Labels Method

Easily Remove Sticky Glass Jar Labels Method

How to Easily Remove Sticky Glass Jar Labels Method will stop all the hardcore scrubbing and scraping.

Easily Remove Sticky Glass Jar Labels Method

We buy some many grocery store food items that come in glass jars. Glass jars can be their labels removed, throughly cleaned, reused as a storage container and even restocked with different foods.
Yes, there are tons of videos sharing different experiments with various products to remove labels but you really just need this simple tutorial. Search no more….

This is how to remove those damn labels without the remnants visibly on them. This brief instruction is about how to remove the label in half an hour without any hard scrubbing involved.

Gather the following items: a jar with a label on it filled with water, a cup of hot water, tablespoon, baking soda, and apitcher (or bowl) with the same diameter of the jar diameter plus with an extra 2 inches. First, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the container; this is an ingredient of wonders, including this. Next, pour in about 1.5 cups of hot water and mix. Then, put the jar inside the container; add more hot water if the water does not cover the label in question until it does.

Simply, let it stay for about 30 minutes for hot water and baking soda mix to seep into the entire label. It will loosen the label from the glue it is applied to and will make the glue evaporate, letting the labels slide right off the jar without issue.If there is any glue residue left, simply wipe it off with a wet cloth. Finally, wash the jar, dry it, and reuse it for anything necessary – homemade sauce, syrups, or anything needed for a jar.

Click here to read about how to Easily Remove Sticky Glass Jar Labels Method:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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