Easy diy brooder. If you are raising your own chickens for meat or eggs, you may need a brooder if you plan to raise the chickens from chicks. The easy and inexpensive diy brooder is a great way to keep the chicks warm and safe untill they are ready to join the flock, You start off with a pool, cardboard box on legs and a heat lamp. If they start getting out before you want them to, you can just add a chicken wire fence around the pool and they should be fine in the brooder long enough.

Drywall Info shares the idea and instructions for setting your brooder up and says, ” One large bag of wood chips or shavings for each pool. If the bedding to chick ratio is high enough, you can get by with hardly having to change this bedding at all before moving the chicks out since it will compost itself with little or no smell.” and that one pool this size would be good for up to 15 chickens. This is a nice way to have a brooder and you could put it up for re-use later as a brooder again. Or use it for the kids to play in. I think this would work for ducklings as well as chicks.